Saturday, November 25, 2006

time of slavery is over

i am a human who love the freedom,justice, i dream to see one day my country, lives in a climat of real democracy, to be resident outside the country makes me to see the deffrence between freedom and slavery, justice and unjustic, dictatorchip and democracy.
the social situation in morocco is among the worst in the region, high rank of unemployment, illetracy, including corruption of the regime, in a free country you will not find such crisis, newspapers has published a little about the royal fortune and what is not known is worst, moroccans throw themselves in the sea in order to reach spanish coast, why? is it spain a paradise, how spain looks like that? actually morocco has enough human and natural ressources to be even better than spain, but the main diffrence here is freedom, the spanish king gave a real participation in decision- making to the people, and moroccans has to survive under an unjust constitution, which is imposed on moroccans for so called historical reasons, te natural political rights has been eliminated , the king s decisions can not be a subject of discussion.
time of slavery is over, time of absolute monarchy is over, now in the twenty first century we are in a time of freedom,equality, democracy.
it is time for moroccans to awake and demand for a new constitution where the prime minester who is elected by citizens is the number one of the state same as what s happend in spain.

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